Hola, thanks for stopping by PositivelyB. This has been a life-long dream of mine since I was a little girl. I always wanted to have the “Brandy Mo Show” (Moore is my maiden name), and since that has not happened yet, this is my steppingstone to live out my dream. I’m excited to take a step of faith and get this journey started. PositivelyB is here to help You slay debt, get Your finances in order, and keep You encouraged to fulfill your purpose.
My name is Brandyn Moore-Rodriguez, but you can call me “BMo.”
I am married to my wonderful husband, DJ, and we have two beautiful, smart, and loving daughters; Sydnee (15) and Emery (5). I bet you are wondering why the big gap; we say it’s a full-time babysitter for the WIN!!! As a family, we are “Team Rodriguez,” we enjoy family time, jamming out to Disney movies, and navigating this beautiful life that we have been blessed with. Our story is far from perfect, but it is relatable, and we are excited to share.
DJ and I were both born and raised in the Lone Star State of Texas. Professionally, we work in both the corporate and non-profit sectors. Together we enjoy giving back and serving in our community faithfully as we feel we have been called to do; “Romans 12:6-8 -We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” You can catch us delivering meals to seniors for Meals on Wheels, hosting servicemen/servicewomen for Thanksgiving, building homes with Habitat for Humanity, or adopting families for their holiday wish list, just to name a few.
Right about now you are wondering, “So what have they done?”
Beginning in 2016, DJ and I decided to make committed changes financially to stop us from being sick and tired of being sick and tired of carrying $137,000 worth of debt. Some of the committed changes came from simple things like cutting up every credit card or writing out each debt from least to largest balance, to more drastic changes like getting additional jobs outside of our 9-5s. After 59 months it was a blessing to say, “WE ARE DEBT FREE”! But we could not stop there. As a millennial family, we are looking to change the narrative and trajectory of our family tree financially.
After months of contemplating in 2017, we began sharing our journey towards debt freedom with strangers by posting our journey on Instagram and getting involved with the #debtfreecommunity. We even started a local #debtfreecommunity in San Antonio. This was aimed at connecting with others who are looking to begin their journey or are in the process of achieving debt freedom. We welcome those who have completed the journey to share their stories. All this has brought us to where we are today with kicking off PositivelyB! Our hope is that PositivelyB will be the resource and encouragement you need to do the same for you and your family.
PositivelyB aims to BE Positive and provide content that covers finances, family, and faith.
- Finances – access to tools, resources, and support that will help guide and direct you towards a journey of slaying your debt and work towards not just financial freedom but financial independence.
- Family – gain a better understanding of how to positively balance work, family, activities, and build stronger relationships with those you love throughout your debt-free journey.
- Faith – God is the center of our home; without Him we would be nothing. His guidance and never-ending love have kept us. It is through the grace of God that DJ and I are married today. I will share more on our story for a future blog post.
Again, thanks for stopping by. My hope is you will stay awhile. Let’s connect! Please do not be a stranger. Feel free to send me a message with any questions or thoughts.
Thanks again for visiting our site! Please do not be a stranger. Feel free to send us a message with any questions or thoughts.
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